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Reset on json.printTo();

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2018 3:06 am
by Mahmoud

void serializeEffects(String &jsonString, bool pretty, bool creds)
LOG_PORT.println("///Serilaze Effect");
// Create buffer and root object
DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer;
JsonObject &json = jsonBuffer.createObject();
json["count"] = Effect_count;
// Effects
JsonArray &EffectsJson = json.createNestedArray("effects");
for (int i = 0; i < CountEffect; i++)
JsonObject &item = EffectsJson.createNestedObject();
item["id"] = effects_list[i].id;
item["count"] = effects_list[i].count;
item["name"] = effects_list[i].name.c_str();
item["block"] = effects_list[i].block;
item["speed"] = effects_list[i].speed;
item["count_color_use"] = effects_list[i].count_of_coloruse;
item["background_color"] = effects_list[i].background_color;
item["direction"] = effects_list[i].direction;
item["has_direction"] = effects_list[i].has_direction;
item["has_block"] = effects_list[i].has_block;
item["has_irancolor"] = effects_list[i].has_irancolor;
item["has_specterum"] = effects_list[i].has_specterum;
item["position"] = effects_list[i].position;
item["color1"] = effects_list[i].color[0];
item["color2"] = effects_list[i].color[1];
item["color3"] = effects_list[i].color[2];
item["color4"] = effects_list[i].color[3];
item["color5"] = effects_list[i].color[4];
item["color6"] = effects_list[i].color[5];
item["color7"] = effects_list[i].color[6];
item["color8"] = effects_list[i].color[7];
item["color9"] = effects_list[i].color[8];
item["color10"] = effects_list[i].color[9];
EffectsJson.set(i, item);
LOG_PORT.println("Serilaize Done");

i have a problem. when set Count to CountEffect I don't have any problem and works good.
but if CountEffect set 10 the program reset on json.printTo(jsonString);.
effects_list array size is 30.
can anyone help me to solve this problem?