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Can't get esptool.py to work on high sierra osx

PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 10:20 pm
by rhyde
I got a new esp8266-12ex lolin ch340G board. I wanted to back it up before flashing NodeMcu. First I installed the signed ch341 driver I found online. Then esplorer would connect in at mode. Tried to back it up with
python ./esptool.py --port /dev/tty.wchusbserial14820 --baud 9600 read_flash 0x00000 0x400000 backup.img

Sometimes the stub loads, sometimes it does. Once it got to 21% more often only get 1% or less.

Uploading failed in a simular way. I have tried 4 different usb cables, no change. Tried NodeMcu flasher-py it fails in the same way.

Any suggestion on how to stop losing? I tried a suggestion to lower the buffer sizes, no change. Tried lower baud rates, no joy.

Sometime it seems that the board is out of sync with esptool.py, but unplugging and trying again and again I can get it to sometimes start.


Tried the same board and cable on a PC and it works fine, so it appears to be OSX issue. Is there a working driver? The ones I have tried clearly do not work.

Re: Can't get esptool.py to work on high sierra osx

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 12:55 am
by rhyde
Tried the same board with a windoze box using the same cable and no problems were had flashing it.
Unfortunately, I do not have a windoze box at home.