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Seeed Grove ESP8266 and mega328PB with 2 hw uarts

PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:44 am
by bobgardner
Hello from Orlando. I have 2 of these 'new' grove wifi-uart modules and 2 20mhz mega328pb boards from Leonerd on Tindie that are in arduino pro mini format. They have 2 hw uarts and I have both uarts running at 115200 with rx interrupt into a 240 byte buffer. The 328 program is in imagecraft c. Uart0 goes to teraterm on the laptop, uart1 goes to the wifi module. The 328 pgm has a hotkey menu that sends AT cmds out and prints the resp, and I can for example hit the key that sends AT+GMR and see the response just fine, no missed chars, no buffer overruns. Looks like the wifi modules have AT version 1.6, SDK 2.2.1, Wroom 02 bin version 1.6.1. My project is to have a 328 and wifi module in a handheld box with a joystick, have the other 328 and wifi module on a vehicle with the 328 driving a couple of motor controllers. My menu has a key for 'send' and 'recv', I run send on one module and recv on the other module, and both 328s are viewed on 2 teraterm windows. My probs so far are mostly with AT command responses. I have a list of questions about for example CIPSTART and single connection UDP. Do I wait for an initial > How long? 1ms? 20ms? Good thing the program recompiles and redownloads pretty fast. The AT command examples from esp dont mention most of the responses like busy p... How long does that one take? I dont want to learn and understand every subroutine in the L106 ESP SDK. I consider myself to be a 'pretty good' avr c programmer. Id like an example
of how to send an incrementing integer from one module to another using the AT commands, no router, so ssid, no pw, just AP and STA. Phew. Thanks in advance folks. Maybe a forum JUST for the AT commands for the noobs?