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Esp8266 server, receive from client and transfer to arduino

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 5:07 pm
by Faraz
Hello there
I'm trying to control an 8 channel relay-module wirelessly using esp8266 & Arduino mega.
My approach is :
1. Start a webserver using esp8266
2. My module should be able to recieve some data ( commands ) in forms of strings from the client (eg. relay1turnoff )
3. and it should send those strings to Arduino
4, Arduino should take action ( detect the string first, assign some activity to it) regarding the command (turns off relay1 )
5, and it should send some data back to esp8266 and sever to show the current status of relays ( eg. relay1ison)
I will be using the webrowser to send the strings but not sure how to do it.
so could anyone possibly provide some details about steps (2,3,4,5)
Thanks for your help