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Can someone help me? NODE MCU sketch issues

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 5:58 pm
by IronCannibal
I am trying to figure out how to make a sketch work that was originally created for the Wemos D1. I have a ESP8266 NodeMCU LUA CP2102 ESP-12E board (not sure how much of that was actually needed) and the sketch will connect and get the required information, but I can't get it to light the LEDs correctly.

It was originally supposed to use the WS2811 LEDs, but I'm using WS2812B LEDs

Attached is the code I am using and a fritzing sketch of how I have the LEDs connected. Right now I only have 3 LEDs for testing, but if I can see it working on three, then I can move on to 30 - 50.

I suspect I'm missing something small that's having a big impact.

Thanks ahead of time for your help!