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Hardware problem RST cause 2

PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 8:21 am
by SP1988
Hi guys, I'm fallowing a tutorial (https://www.bc-robotics.com/tutorials/u ... h-arduino/) with everything hooked up correctly. Getting "Hard resetting via RTS pin..." from the console and some debug outputs from serial monitor, here's what it's outputting:

Code: Select all ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)

load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16
tail 8
chksum 0x2d
csum 0x2d

I've done some googling about the issue but I guess it's over my head. During the course of searching I found this - https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/projec ... fi-module/

Will try reflashing and report back if it works.

Re: Hardware problem RST cause 2

PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2019 12:15 pm
by rudy
SP1988 wrote:Getting "Hard resetting via RTS pin..." from the console and some debug outputs from serial monitor

I don't see anything wrong with that. "Hard resetting via RTS pin..." is using the USB-Serial converter's RTS pin to do a reset to the ESP8266 after it has been programmed. And the debug does not mean there was an error. It just tell what the conditions were for the reset.

On all my ESP8266 boards I do not have any additional hardware that allows the serial port pins to do a reset to the programmed ESP. I need to manually remove the low on GPIO0, and then perform a reset with the reset switch. Then the ESP8266 will boot, then execute my programmed code.

You didn't say what kind of hardware you have. I'm assuming that it does not have anything other than TX and RX to program the ESP8266.

If your program is not running, it can be that you have a code error, or a hardware implementation problem. The link you provided showed an Uno board being used. While the ESP8266 can be programmed with the Arduino framework, there are differences in the chips and some changes need to be considered.

Please tell us more about your hardware, how it is powered. Post the code you are using.

Have you programmed any other sketches for the ESP8266? (that have run properly) If not then start with the Blink sketch example.

http://iot-bits.com/esp8266/esp8266-res ... rst-cause/
rst cause Values

rst cause : 1
Power-on-reset, indicates that the ESP8266 went through a power cycle and rebooted as a result of that.
Often seen randomly if your power supply is dodgy.

rst cause : 2
External reset is triggered by the reset pin of the ESP8266. This is the reason you would see when the ESP8266 is reset explicitly via the pin or when the ESP8266 wakes up from deep sleep (because that involves a GPIO driving the reset pin).

rst cause : 4
Hardware watchdog reset, triggered when your code is stuck or malfunctioning. This is usually a result of improper loading of watchdog timer, which is enabled by default on the SDKs provided by Espressif.

Re: Hardware problem RST cause 2

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 6:32 am
by meysam rt
Hello , i had a same issue - every help guides told me to use 3.3v for esp8266 , and i get these resets (rst Couse 1 and 2) and esp didn't work fine. and then i replaced 3.3v with 5v and then resets were gone and esp works perfectly.
i hope this will help