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LED and external input project questions

PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 1:10 pm
by yelkenli
I am building a custom board for an ESP-12F. The board will allow for the ESP to reset on an external button or PIR, and run an LED, and provide hooks for flashing. It is powered via a battery and low leakage is desired.

This forum and the datasheets have provided great information. Question: should GPIO2 and CH_PD be connected directly to VCC or connected via resistor? Any others?

I don't plan to use RTS/CTS during flashing, but the FTDI’s have it and maybe a future project will use it; so I put in the hooks for it. But I am confused because IO15 is supposed to be held low for flashing and running. Is it enough to have a jumper that allows IO15 connection to GND or FTDI-CTS?

Here is a schematic and table reviewing the pin-out for proper management during flashing, booting, and running.
Please let me know if you see any glaring errors.



Link to pics if needed.
