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NodeMCU base board

PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 4:09 am
by Bambus
Hello guys, I have bought nodemcu base:

https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3286093 ... 4c4dD9qDwO

Does someone have experience with it. As I can see it has 4 pins for all of the pins (4xD0). What is the use of that. Primary I bought it because it has port for charging with battery.

Also is this battery okay for charging:
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ ... t_0849.jpg

Re: NodeMCU base board

PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 6:22 am
by Bonzo
That battery is an Alkaline one and can't be charged.

The bank of pins for some of the pinouts are probably just for convenience. I can't think you would often have more than two items connected to a I/O pin unless it was a pullup or pull down resistor. But you might have more connected to the +3.3 and GND

Primary I bought it because it has port for charging with battery
I can not see a charger built in; are you confusing your words? The inlet is a standard DC inlet and there may be a circuit to convert a 5V input into a 3.3 output.

I would search for the board and see if you can find any examples of people using it.

Re: NodeMCU base board

PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 6:35 am
by Bambus
Sorry I have made mistakes in writing. There is power supply port. And nod the standard one for nodemcu that I need to use it with usb in PC.

About the pins I am using more than 2 I/O pins. I am using it all because I have more sensors. And that is why I bought more nodemcus because I was in deficit with PINS. So I can use 2-3 sensors / motors per nodemcu. As I can see here on the base board it has more Pins, so maybe I can connect more than 2-3 sensors/motors.

Thank you for the answer!

Bonzo wrote:That battery is an Alkaline one and can't be charged.

The bank of pins for some of the pinouts are probably just for convenience. I can't think you would often have more than two items connected to a I/O pin unless it was a pullup or pull down resistor. But you might have more connected to the +3.3 and GND

Primary I bought it because it has port for charging with battery
I can not see a charger built in; are you confusing your words? The inlet is a standard DC inlet and there may be a circuit to convert a 5V input into a 3.3 output.

I would search for the board and see if you can find any examples of people using it.

Re: NodeMCU base board

PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 9:56 am
by JurajA
you can connect more I2C devices to I2C pins, more SPI devices to SPI pins. but you can't connect more motors to one pin no matter how many pin header pins there are for the MCU pin. it is still only one esp8266 there