ESP 8266 beginner here with a basic question.
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 2:16 am
The only programming experience I have is with the Arduino and the Arduino IDE. I would like to keep using this format. I have the nodeMCU developer board connected and uploading example code but I feel like I'm starting all over again relearning basic commands. Is there a list somewhere of all the libraries that can be used with the 8266? And when I started learning the Arduino I simply went to their website and found all the examples of the language that could be used. I can't find anything similar for the 8266. Also, although I have the example code uploading and connecting to my Wi-Fi, it is a complete mystery to me what to do next. Bear in mind I'm a beginner and don't really understand the difference between a host, server, node, hub or any of that. Initially, I would like to be able to remotely toggle a pin high and low. I would like to do that from a 8266 running in LCD screen with the buttons rather than my phone. just keeping everything on my home Wi-Fi network.