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ESP8266 Bad lecture BME280 and BMP280

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:07 am
by gregorex
Hello there,

I am new using esp8266 and this world of projects, I appreciated any feedback, I have been dealing with a problem trying to follow this project https://github.com/IU5HKU/MiniWXStation . version of the project bme_V08c.
My situation is the next one: I configured the ESP8266, I upload the sketch and also I connected the sensor BME280, however , When I tried to verify the lectures of the sensor via terminal I got this message:


But, this lecture is not correct, it looks like the sensor is not working or is not detecting the lectures from the sensor. I bought 3 different sensors, I did test and all of them are showing the same lecture. I tested using another ESP8266 from a friend of mine and I found that all the sensors are in good condition, but I´m not sure what is happening between my ESP8266 and the BME280 . I currently using BMP280 and I´m not getting any lecture, is the same behavior using ESP8266.
I would like to get support on this problem in order to resolve this issue. Thanks a lot for the help in advance.

PD: I tried to make this project using the AMICA NODEMCU ESP8266 and the ESP8266 CH340 V3

Thank you!

Re: ESP8266 Bad lecture BME280 and BMP280

PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 6:00 pm
by tadiadi
If you use i2c bus, then try the second address of the sensor. To do that open the ". c" bmp280 lib and look for the addres.

Good luck!

Re: ESP8266 Bad lecture BME280 and BMP280

PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 10:56 pm
by gunturhakim
Hi tadiadi,
I'm follow your instructions using i2c bus, it works for me thank man!
A litle another issue, but I can fix that [url=https://roomme.id/jakarta/jakarta-utara
best regards