I've bought three yellow NodeMcu Dev Boards (VER 0.9, yellow), unfortunately none of them seems to work.
I've flashed the firmware several times (using the latest esptool.py), also with different settings.
Once the flash is completed, I remove the USB cable and then reconnect it.
The blue led starts to blink very very fast and when I try to open the serial port (with baud 115200) I get a bunch of weird characters, e.g.:
sd$��|�l�<�l�c|����;�clc��gn�dog���c8��lrl;lp�'��lco�<�d�s�ć#��og�l��l �g'l`orǛ�'��d`8�g�r�����b'�|�ld��b��og�$`�gn�los���n{��`p�g�s�����d�cn�|b��og��$`�og�ln{���g��ls��n��d���8�on�$dld�#���`{ll��|�d�|�d�b<����s�cd#��ng�$gn���cp��d{$sd8�o��$b'�|�l�{���c��gn�dćd`�'o$`gs���o��l`p�'�s�ܜ��co�<�dl��c��go�l`�ng�$'{���gs�� x�n�{�����l�cg�|c��gn��l`�g
is there anything else I can try?
Thanks in advance