Current Lua downloadable firmware will be posted here

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By zeroday
ystrem wrote:It will be possible to sleep device the FW ? :] I want to make my home automation on Atmega328+nRf24, but the network library is still buggy. And then came ESP8266 :D

there is only a deepsleep() function in ESP8266 SDK.
by deepsleep(n) it means "dead" for n us, and after that the chip reset( hard reset ).
modules should connect GPIO16 to chip reset. GPIO16 is the only pin which can output a pulse during deepsleep.
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By gerardwr
cendev wrote:it does the job for me =) still kinda buggy in some places but tomorrow after adding the highlight supported editor part and making the gui look better, it'll be something worth to bear with :)

I had a better look at the video, still NICE. I have some minor suggestions:
- Make it easier to find the video on youtube
= Publish the youtube URL
= Use a name for the video with ESP8266 in it, so it is easyer to find
- feedback from the ESP is now "RECIEVED", the English word is "RECEIVED"
- the lua files in the video are excellent script for everybody. How about ZIPping these examples and publish the ZIP file in a Reply here? It will save my time retyping them ;-)
Last edited by gerardwr on Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:41 am, edited 1 time in total.