zeroday wrote:1,2, node.key() node.led() is two api for GPIO16. in the development kit GPIO16 connect to one LED, and one BUTTON.
node.key("long", function() end ) register a call back function to LONG press(>4 or 5 seconds) of the BUTTON.
node.key("short", function() end ) register a call back function to SHORT press of the BUTTON.
node.led(400,500) means get the LED switch 400ms low and 500ms high.
some ESP module connect GPIO16 to chip RESET pin, and can't used as KEY or LED output.
GPIO16, OK, clear now. Could not find the GPIO# in the doc.
zeroday wrote:3, there is no method to get user input from serial to a variable now. it go directly to lua interpreter, sorry for that.
That is really sad
zero day wrote:Lua io module was ported once, but it eats more Ram than a simple file module.
and I haven't made the io module work with std input output(serial), so in this version, io module is deleted.
Understood. I find the API extremely complete for a 1st release, congratulations.
I think the community can help you with suggestions to extend the API functionality. How about you opening a topic on this forum to gather these suggestions.