I had a need for math.sin(), math.cos(), math.atan() and math.atan2() which are omitted from the lua builds. Here are the versions I finally used. They may be useful to others. I used them for accelerator pitch and roll, and for GPS distance and bearing.
function math_atan (X0)
-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11930594/calculate-atan2-without-std-functions-or-c99
-- excellect formula for 0 - 45degr [ie atan(x) for x<1] but runs away badly for x very large
-- but we can cheat using symmetry of atan(x) and atan(1/x) around 45degr (0 - 45 - 90)
local X = X0
local c = (1 + math.sqrt(17)) / 8
if X0 < 0 then X = -X0 end
if X0 > 1 then X = 1/X end
local A = (c * X + X*X + math.pow(X,3)) / ( 1 + (c + 1) * X + (c + 1) * X*X + math.pow(X,3)) * math.pi/2
if X0 > 1 then A = math.pi/2 -A end
if X0 < 0 then A = -A end
return A
-- in radian
function math_atan2(AW,AZ)
local A = math_atan(AW/AZ)
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atan2#Definition
if AZ>0 then return A end
if AZ<0 then
if AW>=0 then return A + math.pi end
return A - math.pi
if AW>0 then return math.pi / 2 end
if AW<0 then return (-math.pi/2) end
return 0 -- undef??
-- in radian
local function factl(n)
if n==1 then return 1 end
return n * factl(n-1)
function math_sin(x)
-- taylor series. Exc accuracy -PI to +PI. Ref https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_series
-- x in radian
local ss=x
- math.pow(x,3)/factl(3)
+ math.pow(x,5)/factl(5)
- math.pow(x,7)/factl(7)
+ math.pow(x,9)/factl(9)
- math.pow(x,11)/factl(11)
return(-ss) -- minus because we slid graph left by PI
function math_cos(x)
return math.sqrt(1-math.pow(math_sin(x),2)) -- sin^2 + cos^2 = 1
Actually, I made them work as math.sin(x) etc like the inbuilt math functions, as per the cloning/overloading method used here:
https://github.com/BLavery/esuite-lua/b ... b-MATH.lua
Hope this may help.