Flash successful but cant communicate with MCU
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 7:42 am
Hello all,
I've successfully flashed an ESP8266 device with FDTI232. I downloaded the firmware from http://nodemcu-build.com/.
Here is the log:
When I run 'esplorer' tool, I can't communicate with the ESP8266 device. This is the log:
I've checked the pins connection : GPIO0 disconnected after flashing.
How to check and do other things (like lua programming) after the flashing operation ?
I've successfully flashed an ESP8266 device with FDTI232. I downloaded the firmware from http://nodemcu-build.com/.
Here is the log:
Code: Select all
julien@T3500:~/Arduino/esp8266$ ./esptool nodemcu-master-9-modules-2016-07-28-10-04-10-integer.bin
esptool.py v1.1
Running Cesanta flasher stub...
Flash params set to 0x0240
Writing 438272 @ 0x0... 438272 (100 %)
Wrote 438272 bytes at 0x0 in 37.9 seconds (92.6 kbit/s)...
When I run 'esplorer' tool, I can't communicate with the ESP8266 device. This is the log:
Code: Select all
Communication with MCU...
I've checked the pins connection : GPIO0 disconnected after flashing.
How to check and do other things (like lua programming) after the flashing operation ?