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LUA console fails to boot up - MEM CHECK FAIL!!!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:58 pm
by Malutek

I have problem with getting my ESP8266 back to the normal state. I've been using it for few weeks now, with firmware nodemcu_float_0.9.6-dev_20150406. Everything was fine.
But then I started to mangle with the tmr functionality, and it finally ended up with some kind of bad reset (esp executed init.lua, script started to work, then I received some garbage, and ESP restared itself). And now it does not boot up. I receive some garbage (instead of LUA console command). I normally use 9600 baud, when I change it to 115200, this is what I get:

(...garbage...)MEM CHECK FAIL!!!

No matter what I change in my connection settings, it refuses to work. Instead of LUA console I get receive some garbage, nothing more. I've tried to flash it, didnt help. Erasing it with blank.bin also did not work. What's interestng, if I try to upload an older firmware, i.e. nodemcu_20150106 it works! But I need newer firmware.

I'm sure it's related to the firmware, and not the physical aspect (did not broke it or sth like that), because have 2 ESP's, and the second also got bricked : (

Thanks in advance for any help.

Re: LUA console fails to boot up - MEM CHECK FAIL!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:55 pm
by cal

maybe the configuration area got trashed.
Should be fixable with flashing of blank.bin.
If it does not work as you said, try flashing with some original AT firmware.
Those cover some more bytes in flash memory and so will overwrite and so reset more than nodemcu does.

Hope that helps,

Re: LUA console fails to boot up - MEM CHECK FAIL!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 4:49 pm
by Malutek
Hi cal,

thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I have tried both solutions with no success. Flashing with blank.bin at 0x7E000 did not help (am I doing it right? I should upload blink.bin at the 0x7E000, right?). Same goes with AT firmware (I uploaded it on 0x0000). ESP8266 still failed to boot up.

Re: LUA console fails to boot up - MEM CHECK FAIL!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:17 am
by Mario Mikočević
Try flashing with blank512k.bin. I've restored one b0rken esp-01 with that. One of other four remaining still refuses to work, spewing endless stream of (3,7) ..