MQTT broken in NodeMCU 0.9.5 build 20150213??

I just flashed to the latest build and seem to have lost my ability to publish in mqtt
Can anyone confirm?
Can anyone confirm?
Code: Select all
-- init mqtt client with keepalive timer 120sec
m = mqtt.Client("clientid", 120, "user", "password")
-- setup Last Will and Testament (optional)
-- Broker will publish a message with qos = 0, retain = 0, data = "offline"
-- to topic "/lwt" if client don't send keepalive packet
m:lwt("/lwt", "offline", 0, 0)
m:on("connect", function(con) print ("connected") end)
m:on("offline", function(con) print ("offline") end)
-- on publish message receive event
m:on("message", function(conn, topic, data)
print(topic .. ":" )
if data ~= nil then
-- for secure: m:connect("", 1880, 1)
m:connect("", 1883, 0, function(conn) print("connected") end)
-- subscribe topic with qos = 0
m:subscribe("openhab/garage/relay1",0, function(conn) print("subscribe success") end)
-- or subscribe multiple topic (topic/0, qos = 0; topic/1, qos = 1; topic2 , qos = 2)
-- m:subscribe({["topic/0"]=0,["topic/1"]=1,topic2=2}, function(conn) print("subscribe success") end)
-- publish a message with data = hello, QoS = 0, retain = 0
m:publish("openhab/garage/relay1","hello",0,0, function(conn) print("sent") end)
-- you can call m:connect again
Code: Select all
mqtt-demo.lua:24: not connected
> offline