Moderator: igrr
Note however that if you have a bare ESP-12f and some wires connecting the ESP serial to your computer, you'll have to keep GPIO0 low while resetting the chip to enable serial flashing before uploading via the IDE.
If your ESP-12f is mounted on a NodeMCU, Witty, Wemos D1 or equivalent, those boards are pre-wired so that the GPIO0 low and reset can be performed by the IDE during the upload process.
Kind regards,
Thanks for reply. I bought bare version of esp12f and ftdi programmer. Because i thought that if i buy nodemcu version, i can't use it with arduino ide. And that was wrong. Now i am thinking to buy also nodemcu versions. Are there any advantages of nodemcu versions? I dont want to use lua. If i buy some of them, i will use with arduino not lua.
Best regards.