So I've fumbled with the ESP8266 for months on and off.
I was extatic to see the Arduino IDE support and pulled it out.
After much trial and error with some stupid mistakes wiring on my breadboard I managed to get the WiFi Server sketch to upload and work. Immediately after it's uploaded the code is evidentially started and it spits out details to the console and I can turn on and off an led with my web browser.
However when I power down the ESP, disconnect all but 3.3v, gnd and GPIO-2 and power up, I just get a red light on the ESP and no console output. I've tried the blink sketch with the same issue.
Some details. I've used a FTDI board in 3.3v mode. power is provided by a 5V power supply passed through a 3.3v regulator.
To program I am setting CHPD, RST, and GPIO-0 to 3.3v. and ensuring GPIO-2 is disconnected. Anything else and I get the esp_comm error. (ok rst may be optional, but seem to hurt)
After it finished uploading and I see the console output start, I can connect the LED to GPIO-2 and then see the results.
But the second I take off power and put it back on nothing.
I get the feeling the memory in the unit may be playing up, or I'm not de-initialising properly after programming. Or just booting it in "normal mode" wrong. I've tried lots of put pull ups and downs to see if I could coax it out. but no luck.
I have used the ESP8266 very early on via an Arduino Uno 5v TX/RX to play with AT commands briefly before I realised I was potentially harming the ESP. I've since had access to the AT commands via the FTDI board with no issue and it responded fine. (of course until I put the sketches on there)
Could I have fried my memory?
Any tips would be appreciated.