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Can't get blink to work

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 11:12 pm
by kolban
I have an ESP8266-12 connected as illustrated in the Github schematic. When I compile Blink I get no errors and when I upload, I am told "Done uploading". However, my LED isn't blinking. I have connected GPIO13 ( pin 2nd bottom left) to the anode of my LED and the cathode to GND through a 450 Ohm resistor.

I am at a loss on how to debug.

I tried a sketch with a simple:

Code: Select allvoid setup() {
   Serial.println("Hello World");

but got no response. I believe that is because the circuit causes a serial connection to place the device into programming mode.

I'm afraid I'm stuck and would welcome any suggestions on how to make progress in my debugging efforts.

Many thanks ... Neil

Re: Can't get blink to work

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 2:01 am
by HermannSW

for the Blink demo, replace "13" by "1" (that is the blue TX LED) and you should see blinking.
See ESP8266-12 as 2nd from left here (LED is at left bottom of big chip):

For the Serial problem, I once have seen this when nothing was done in loop().
Try to add Serial.println('blah') to loop and see whether that makes a difference.


Re: Can't get blink to work

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 4:41 am
by tytower
And use the fade sketch in examples-basics-fade or blink . Change the pin to whatever and then you can be sure it is not the program causing the problem

Sorry I see that is what you have done. GPIO13 is next to the Vcc pin .Do you have GPIO0 low or high?
Do you have GPIO15 low. If the chip is continually resetting you won't see a blink I expect so use an example to be sure it works , Add some Serial.println(" OK to here 1"); lines in and see if anything happens
What hermann said above
many problems seem to be caused by wiring faults , power inadequacies and places in the program where the wdt (watchdog timer) activates and resets the chip . If the chip is doing nothing that sometimes triggers it