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ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 8:44 pm
by markingle
I am having problems getting the option "ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload" to show up so that I can learn how to upload files into the ESP8266 SPIFFS. The instructions are simple but I am missing something. I have tried several times to get it the plugin installed:


Any help troubleshooting what is wrong will be much appreciated!

I am running Windows 7 64 bit...Arduino 1.6.5

Mark Ingle

Re: ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload

PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 2:04 pm
by picstart
Me too

Maybe the instructions are wrong. I'm no fan of this convoluted process in arduino. It often is more efficient just to have all the files that go with a working project. All too often the convoluted references via includes link to obsolete code that will very often fire an error in compiling.
I liked the days when you had a complete set on compilation code in a folder with no cross links to libraries that may or may not be current with the code. Sure libraries save space but I have gigabytes of it; libraries create dependencies that make the code often unreliable.
Anyway it is frustrating that something like the FS files to support SPIFFS can't just be copied into my arduino folder without *jar files , tool files and whatever convolution that is the art de jour.