Arduino Nano to Internet via ESP-01 HELP fabric reset

Mon Apr 18, 2022 3:10 pm
by MarioHaza
Hi there.
I have connected an Arduino Nano which gather data from sensors that will be transmitted to the Internet usign an ESP-01 module.
I have connected crossed RX to TX and TX to RX, ground, vcc and enable HIGH no resistor (3.3v).
On the Arduino side I use serial.print to send information
On the ESP-01 i put on an Arduino Sketch to read that information (Serial.readString) to send to a http post.
I cannot make it wotk, i am now trying to reset the ESP-01 to its factory state, have donwloaded the firmware and hopefully save to it, but i have not access AT commands, it has an Arduino sketch, if i put blank one did not work.
So my questions are:
1) How can i reset an ESP-01 to its factory default?
2) Using Arduino sketches on both sides am i doing right? what could be my problem?
Re: Arduino Nano to Internet via ESP-01 HELP fabric reset

Fri May 20, 2022 7:37 am
by Inq720
MarioHaza wrote:Hi there.
I have connected an Arduino Nano which gather data from sensors that will be transmitted to the Internet usign an ESP-01 module.
I have connected crossed RX to TX and TX to RX, ground, vcc and enable HIGH no resistor (3.3v).
On the Arduino side I use serial.print to send information
On the ESP-01 i put on an Arduino Sketch to read that information (Serial.readString) to send to a http post.
I cannot make it wotk, i am now trying to reset the ESP-01 to its factory state, have donwloaded the firmware and hopefully save to it, but i have not access AT commands, it has an Arduino sketch, if i put blank one did not work.
So my questions are:
1) How can i reset an ESP-01 to its factory default?
2) Using Arduino sketches on both sides am i doing right? what could be my problem?
1) Are you a real person or another CamelCase bot hammering the forum?
2) Can you explain why you are connecting Arduino Nano to the ESP-01? That might aid in the better answer to your question.
Re: Arduino Nano to Internet via ESP-01 HELP fabric reset

Fri May 20, 2022 8:17 am
by Inq720
tepalia02 wrote:From the question, it looks like he/she is collecting data from the nano by using esp-01. I think he/she is using the esp-01 just to add wifi connectivity to the project. Let's see if s/he gives any further clarification.
Hi tepalia02... I was beginning to wonder if there were any real people left on the forum. And the CamelCase bots seem to always ask this same kind of problem... "connecting an Arduino to an ESP8266".
I've yet to get any such posts to answer (at all) much less why they want to connect the two. Short of needing a bunch of analog lines, it's far easier to just use and ESP8266 and do all the project logic AND do the WiFi and get rid of all the intercommunications code and headaches. Just interested in hearing the FIRST use case that actually justified the headaches.
Just my curiosity.

Re: Arduino Nano to Internet via ESP-01 HELP fabric reset

Fri May 20, 2022 9:43 am
by QuickFix
Inq720 wrote:Just my curiosity. 
The stupid thing about the ESP and "The internet" is that 90% of the examples and how-to's that can be found are "Wrong" or at least "Clumsy". A lot of them are using an ESP-01 ("Because they're cheap"?) combined with an Arduino UNO board set into reset-mode for flashing (only God knows why) without any (3.3V <=> 5V) level shifting, instead of just using a ready made and convenient development board and it appears that a lot of people are not even aware that you can actually let the ESP do all the hard work in its own without using an Arduino board and AT-commands.
BTW: I'm also a CamelCase bot.