ESP8266 already on WiFi, now how share network with Arduino?
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 5:24 pm
I'm sure I'm missing something, but I can't get this figured out and don't know the right search terms to get me to an answer.
1 - I have setup the ESP8266 module to connect to my network and get an IP address. It does this on boot, without arduino.
2 - I have an arduino project that I have been using the Arduino Ethernet (hardwired) library on. I want to convert this to run off wireless using the ESP8266.
How is this done? It seems like most libraries I find are trying to join networks from the arduino code by sending commands to the ESP8266. Is this required? Can the ESP8266 connect to the network on its own and simply supply a data feed like the Ethernet shield does?
1 - I have setup the ESP8266 module to connect to my network and get an IP address. It does this on boot, without arduino.
2 - I have an arduino project that I have been using the Arduino Ethernet (hardwired) library on. I want to convert this to run off wireless using the ESP8266.
How is this done? It seems like most libraries I find are trying to join networks from the arduino code by sending commands to the ESP8266. Is this required? Can the ESP8266 connect to the network on its own and simply supply a data feed like the Ethernet shield does?