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Use Esp8266 to provide internet to my uno.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:23 am
by KaustubhAgarwal
I have connected my esp to the Uno. I have connected it to my router using AT commands. I want to know how can I use ESP to provide internet to my UNo. I want to use The Esp as an wifi shield for my uno. Please help!

Re: Use Esp8266 to provide internet to my uno.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:51 am
by Dang Kieu
Hello :D theoretically, we have two modes of ESP8266. First is Station which ESP will connect to wifi and provide internet for Arduino. Second is Access Point which plays as a router for other devices. So, in your case, you should sett ESP8266 module as a station. And as you said, you use AT command set so you can use "AT+CWMODE=1" to make ESP become a station or "AT+CWMODE=3" to make ESP become both station and access point.

Hope to see you success ^^!

Re: Use Esp8266 to provide internet to my uno.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 9:47 am
by eduperez
KaustubhAgarwal wrote:I have connected my esp to the Uno. I have connected it to my router using AT commands. I want to know how can I use ESP to provide internet to my UNo. I want to use The Esp as an wifi shield for my uno. Please help!

If you connected your ESP to the router, and the router has internet connection, then your ESP has internet connection. Now use AT+CIPSTAR, AT+CIPSEND, ... to connect to servers on internet.