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Transparent transmission with osc protocol

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:37 am
by felipe123
Hello, is there any firmware which is able to make transparent transmission over osc messages or even standart udp? I really looked around, but didn't find a one which fits perfect to this requiriments. Until now, i'm only able to send predetermined osc messages. I need this to send arduino sensors data to max msp,with low latency as possible (at commands provide much latency with their 20ms beetween messages).

Thanks for the help!

Re: Transparent transmission with osc protocol

PostPosted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:51 am
by mrburnette
OSC messages sent using the Arduino core are at the mercy of the 50mS maximum "in-sketch" timeslice before Arduino code must yield to the ESP8266 RF firmware. Even when the RF section is turned-off, the loop{} still performs a hidden yield() behind thd scenes as the loop{} is repeated to pat-the-dog.

With the RF section active, igrr recommends delay(0) or yield() when the full loop{} repeat rate is > 50mS to allow the protocol stack for the RF section to have a breath. You may be able to sprinkle (one of) the command in your sketch in such a way that the refreshing takes place immediately before and after your critical code to gain the maximum of the 50mS for that code section.

FYI: yield() and delay(0) both refresh the RF stack and timers, but various post seem to suggest that they are not alias commands; that is their behavior is different.
