I just saw yours. I had already made some sketches to drive those 7219 boards using the LedControl Arduino lib. (It supports matrix displays as well.) Looks like your lib has built in number conversion, which I had to do myself since I believe the LedControl only lets you set one digit at a time.
Were you aware of LedControl and wanted to improve on it?
I will have to try yours out. I basically made a remote display module that runs a web server and let's you change the numbers displayed on the 7219 module remotely via a simple GET query string like
http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/num?n=12345678I just finished one for a 14 segment display as well, which I have to multiplex myself from the ESP (see my other thread). Needs a little cleanup, and might have a memory leak I have to look at tomorrow. This one lets you send a scrolling message to it remotely. It is alpha numeric (14 segment). I designed my own lib for it to be driven with shift registers, and created a font for it segment by segment.
Maxim has a chip to drive 14 segment displays, but it is a lot pricier than the 7219, and I don't think there are any cheap Chinese clones of it yet, like the counterfeit chips in most of those modules (Google counterfeit max 7219 to see how to tell... Not that I have found the fakes to be any worse, though they don't support Maxim for their efforts.)
Anyway, nice work. What is that graph of Vdc in your video? Is it feeding the data to the display via serial?