JP eScale : an internet connected bathroom scale
Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:58 am
Hi all,
Here is my latest realization : a eConnected bathroom scale.
It's using the cheap HX711 which is a load cell amplifier.
The load cell of the original scale is directly connected to HX711
The ESP8266 board is reading this sensor, averaging the raw values and then outputs the weight to LCD and to
The Talkbackfuntionnality is used to control the board and perform :
- tare (zero offset)
- weight calibration
- memory of 5 persons
Here is the code to read the sensor :
I only give the raw reading of the sensor, all the other stuff to connect to thingspeak has already been several times explained (and thanks for that !)
Here is my latest realization : a eConnected bathroom scale.
It's using the cheap HX711 which is a load cell amplifier.
The load cell of the original scale is directly connected to HX711
The ESP8266 board is reading this sensor, averaging the raw values and then outputs the weight to LCD and to
The Talkbackfuntionnality is used to control the board and perform :
- tare (zero offset)
- weight calibration
- memory of 5 persons
Here is the code to read the sensor :
Code: Select all
HX711 raw reading
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
unsigned long Weight = 0;
unsigned long AverageWeight = 0;
int Clock = 5; //4 on board
int Dout = 4; //5 on board
void setup()
//intialize HX711
pinMode(Clock, OUTPUT); // initialize digital pin 4 as an output.(clock)
digitalWrite(Clock, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds(100); //be sure to go into sleep mode if > 60µs
digitalWrite(Clock, LOW); //exit sleep mode*/
pinMode(Dout, INPUT); // initialize digital pin 5 as an input.(data Out)
Serial.begin(115200); // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop()
// wait for the chip to become ready
while (digitalRead(Dout) == HIGH);
AverageWeight = 0;
for (char j = 0; j<100; j++)
Weight =0;
// pulse the clock pin 24 times to read the data
for (char i = 0; i<24; i++)
digitalWrite(Clock, HIGH);
Weight = Weight <<1;
if (digitalRead(Dout)==HIGH) Weight++;
digitalWrite(Clock, LOW);
// set the channel and the gain factor (A 128) for the next reading using the clock pin (one pulse)
digitalWrite(Clock, HIGH);
Weight = Weight ^ 0x800000;
digitalWrite(Clock, LOW);
AverageWeight += Weight;
AverageWeight = AverageWeight/100;
I only give the raw reading of the sensor, all the other stuff to connect to thingspeak has already been several times explained (and thanks for that !)