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How does ESP8266 accept ssid and password dynamically

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 6:13 am
by Awrak
Hello folks, :D

I want some insight on connecting ESP8266 to any router without hard coding the ssid and password in the program. What are the ways of accepting ssid and password dynamically? :idea: :?:

Cheers :)

Re: How does ESP8266 accept ssid and password dynamically

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 4:18 pm
by mianos
'smartconfig' and the smartconfig smartphone app. The smartconfig is in the stock ROM. You just set some callbacks and 'run' the smartconfig. The phone then sends size encoded packets that the ESP picks up and uses to set the wifi AP and password. It works surprisingly well considering how flakey it works in most commercial devices.