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Re: client.print() / HTML problems

PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 8:19 pm
by xtal
Had to do away with the reload()... I was getting my LAST POST + GET /favi~~.con
I kept redoing last post over and over.

Now using JavaScript to Click Adc which normally re-read ADC, but I change name="REF"
So now get POST /?REF= + GET / favi~~.con which allows my external serial to be
processed / displayed ....

FYI - tried putting button in 1st table , but doing so made all button click GET ,, again Chrome...

Sure would be nice if I could update serial immediately, rather than wait for a refresh interval....
If only I could issue request from server and make client receive my updated info.......

Re: client.print() / HTML problems

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2016 4:10 pm
by JoeS
how could I post an image on a page through the ESP8266, i wont have an sd card but some eeprom will be available, or could it be saved in the sketch somewhere?

``String page = FPSTR(HTTP_HEAD);
page.replace("{v}", "MoCa WiFi Setup");
page += _customHeadElement;
page += "<h1>";
page += _apName;
page += "</h1>";
page += <img src="Pictures/logo.jpg"/>;
//page += F("<h3>WiFiManager</h3>");
page += FPSTR(HTTP_END);

// server->send(200, "image/jpeg", logo);
server->send(200, "text/html", page);
im really just editing the WiFiManager.CPP code trying to attach the project logo to the page, stuff was only editte