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Stream MDA8451 sensor data locallly

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 1:28 pm
by Cjh411
I'm sure there are examples of this but I'm new to this and honestly am not sure I know the correct terms to search to get answers. My apologies for the dumb question!

I have my accelerometer hoodked up to the esp-12 board corrrectly via a FTDI cable and output to a CSV file. I need to do this wirelessly now, and I've seen this in examples using things like MQTT. For my application, I won't be connected to the Internet. Is there a way that I can stream the data from the esp to a computer locally using a router or something similar? I'm really just looking for resources to learn how to do this.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Re: Stream MDA8451 sensor data locallly

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:52 am
by martinayotte
You could use plain TCP connection using WiFiClient to send data to your PC.
Of course, on the PC side, you need a TCP Server, but that could be easily written in python.