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OTA Development: any serial monitor bridge solutions ?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:21 am
by powerlord
I've had a rake around and can't find one, but apologies if I've just not done a great job of looking and missed it.

I've got OTA working nicely, and as a I go forwarding building things it would be great to be able to DEVELOP unconnected from USB/serial as well as just using it for update/patches. for example it would allow me to build projects where developing the code and debugging it could happen in situ away from the PC.\

That needs the sketch to have, ideally a replacement Serial class that works over wifi (so my code can easily work in both USB and wifi modes).

It would need a Serial adapter library for arduino that sent it out over the network (UDP, websockets, MQTT, whatever), and probably some sort of adapter agent on the PC which did the adaption back to a virtual COM port, allowing your IDE of choice to connect to the 'serial monitor' as per normal.

Has anyone built such a library/agent yet ? Ideally it would be transparent to the sketch since the implementation of Serial would be to the same interface.

I realise I could build something, and I could even start simple - for example making a basic http server serving say the last 50 messages out within an html page with some ajax to reload it or even a pragma refresh, and just point a web browser at that port on the board, but it would be one way (no pulling input from the serial if you wanted that for some debug tests), and without doing something fancy with an agent you'll have a limited buffer, etc.

Re: OTA Development: any serial monitor bridge solutions ?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:12 am
by gavspav
Yes I was wondering about this too. But my search only returned this unanswered question.

I'm wondering broadly if anyone has any solutions for debugging code only accessible via wifi.