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Pass entire POST parameters string to another server.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 6:56 am
by jarnoldbrown
I have an ESP8266 device which sends a few parameters to another ESP8266, which then sends the same parameters to google sheets. It's because the first device can't reach my WiFi router, but the second one(which is also doing some other stuff) can.I am using the ESP8266WebServer library, and I can't work out if there is a way to pass on all the parameters in one go(as a string?) or if I need to parse them all separately, and recombine them. Which I suppose isn't too onerous, if it's the only way..

In other words, I'm sending "X=nnn&Y=nnn&Z=nnn", and want to pass it unaltered to another server.