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8266-01 Cannot flash the LED

PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 5:09 am
by The_Julle
Hardware: 8266-01 (the black version)

I have successfully installed the Arduino IDE and the ESP8266 library and drivers.
I have also managed to write the boot messages to serial, and verify that I can trigger the boot loader to go into “Download code from UART” or “Boot from Flash”. I am using a stable external power source.

Then I try to flash the 8266 example “Blink”, to verify that I can control the GPIOs.
In the below image, you can see the two boot modes, and the description when the Arduino sketch is loaded. The Arduini IDE shows “Upload done” so it seems to be successful with no errors.

But none of the GPIOs are changing (not the on-board blue LED, nor the GPIO0 or GPIO2). I have tried several PINs.
Do you know why the sketch is not working?

Boot with Arduino program Blink.png

I have tried to run the official download tool, to read out the flash size etc, and have played around with the settings for the Arduino Programmer, but that doesn’t really seem to do a difference.

8266-01 Detected Info.png

Default Programmer Setup.png

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.