Nodemcu sensor polling
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 4:27 pm
I have looked at countless examples, but I am not sure why I can't find one that seems so obvious (to me). If you have a simple circuit where a light/temp resistor is connected to a breadboard and nodemcu, I just want to connect to the nodemcu on the same network via tcp and poll/see/collect the value of the resistance. No cloud, no web front end, I just want to make a security-free tcp connection and get that value. I will do it from a linux box, so I could use wget or curl if the value had to be collected from a nodemcu webserver, but a simple socket connection that would just display the current value would be fantastic. I've tried to hire someone to help me, but I can't even clearly state what I need it seems. Does this seem so odd ?