SPI on ESP8266. I have been given code that fails to compile
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 5:27 am
Hi there,
I have been given some code that I know has worked for the coder working on a test project for me (who I am not in a position to ask for additional help).
The project is to have an ESP8266 running as an SPI Slave. The test code doesn't do anything pre-se except prove that communication can happen between the Slave and the master.
I believe the coder must have used existing code that he found as I have found a single reference to it elsewhere, but not with the issue I am having.
The problem I have is that when I compile the code, I get the following error:
'SERCOM1' was not declared in this scope
I sure this is something *really obvious*, but I'm not a C coder and so I'm struggling.
The full sketch is:
I have been given some code that I know has worked for the coder working on a test project for me (who I am not in a position to ask for additional help).
The project is to have an ESP8266 running as an SPI Slave. The test code doesn't do anything pre-se except prove that communication can happen between the Slave and the master.
I believe the coder must have used existing code that he found as I have found a single reference to it elsewhere, but not with the issue I am having.
The problem I have is that when I compile the code, I get the following error:
'SERCOM1' was not declared in this scope
I sure this is something *really obvious*, but I'm not a C coder and so I'm struggling.
The full sketch is:
Code: Select all
#include <SPI.h>
const int slaveAPin = 10; //SERCOM1 10; // SERCOM4 16;
static int sendCounter = 0;
static int cmd = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(slaveAPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
attachInterrupt(10, SERCOM1_Handler, FALLING);
SERCOM1->SPI.DATA.reg = 0x12;
void loop() {
//waste some time in a loop
int var = 0;
while(var < 200){
void SERCOM1_Handler()
Serial.println("In SPI Interrupt Handler");
uint8_t data = 0;
uint8_t junk = 0;
data =(uint8_t)SERCOM1->SPI.DATA.reg;
SERCOM1->SPI.DATA.reg = 0x12;
uint8_t interrupts = SERCOM1->SPI.INTFLAG.reg; //Read SPI interrupt register
Serial.print("Interrupts: "); Serial.println(interrupts);
// If error interrupt then clear down and ignore
if(interrupts & (1<<7))
Serial.println("Error Interrupt");
if(interrupts & (1<<3))
Serial.println("SPI SSL Interupt");
SERCOM1->SPI.INTFLAG.bit.SSL = 1; //clear slave select interrupt
if(interrupts & (1<<2))
Serial.println("SPI Data Receive Complete Interrupt");
Serial.print("B4 RXC flag cleared:"); Serial.println(SERCOM1->SPI.INTFLAG.bit.RXC);
// Reading the DATA should clear the flag
while( SERCOM1->SPI.INTFLAG.bit.RXC != 0)
//data = SERCOM1->SPI.DATA.bit.DATA; //eat up
junk = SERCOM1->SPI.DATA.reg; //Read data register
Serial.print("After RXC flag cleared:"); Serial.println(SERCOM1->SPI.INTFLAG.bit.RXC);
// Below should have no affect according to docs
//SERCOM1->SPI.INTFLAG.bit.RXC = 1; //clear receive complete interrupt
if(interrupts & (1<<1))
Serial.println("SPI Data Transmit Complete Interrupt. SSH");
SERCOM1->SPI.INTFLAG.bit.TXC = 1; //clear receive complete interrupt
if(interrupts & (1<<0))
Serial.println("SPI Data Register Empty Interrupt. Ready for new data to transmit");
SERCOM1->SPI.DATA.reg = 0x12;
Serial.print("DATA: "); Serial.println(data);
//Serial.print("CTRLA: "); Serial.println(SERCOM1->SPI.CTRLA.reg);
void spiSlave_init()
//Configure SERCOM1 SPI PINS
//PORTA.DIR.reg &= ~PORT_PA16; //Set PA16 as input (MOSI)
//PORTA.DIR.reg &= ~PORT_PA17; //Set PA17 as input (SCK)
//PORTA.DIR.reg &= ~PORT_PA18; //Set PA18 as input (SS)
//PORTA.DIR.reg |= PORT_PA19; //Set PA19 as output (MISO)
PORTA.PINCFG[16].bit.PMUXEN = 0x1; //Enable Peripheral Multiplexing for SERCOM1 SPI PA18 Arduino PIN10
PORTA.PMUX[8].bit.PMUXE = 0x2; //SERCOM 1 is selected for peripherial use of this pad
PORTA.PINCFG[17].bit.PMUXEN = 0x1; //Enable Peripheral Multiplexing for SERCOM1 SPI PA18 Arduino PIN10
PORTA.PMUX[8].bit.PMUXO = 0x2; //SERCOM 1 is selected for peripherial use of this pad
PORTA.PINCFG[18].bit.PMUXEN = 0x1; //Enable Peripheral Multiplexing for SERCOM1 SPI PA18 Arduino PIN10
PORTA.PMUX[9].bit.PMUXE = 0x2; //SERCOM 1 is selected for peripherial use of this pad
PORTA.PINCFG[19].bit.PMUXEN = 0x1; //Enable Peripheral Multiplexing for SERCOM1 SPI PA18 Arduino PIN10
PORTA.PMUX[9].bit.PMUXO = 0x2; //SERCOM 1 is selected for peripherial use of this pad
PORT->Group[PORTA].PINCFG[16].bit.PMUXEN = 0x1; //Enable Peripheral Multiplexing for SERCOM1 SPI PA18 Arduino PIN10
PORT->Group[PORTA].PMUX[8].bit.PMUXE = 0x2; //SERCOM 1 is selected for peripherial use of this pad
PORT->Group[PORTA].PINCFG[17].bit.PMUXEN = 0x1; //Enable Peripheral Multiplexing for SERCOM1 SPI PA18 Arduino PIN10
PORT->Group[PORTA].PMUX[8].bit.PMUXO = 0x2; //SERCOM 1 is selected for peripherial use of this pad
PORT->Group[PORTA].PINCFG[18].bit.PMUXEN = 0x1; //Enable Peripheral Multiplexing for SERCOM1 SPI PA18 Arduino PIN10
PORT->Group[PORTA].PMUX[9].bit.PMUXE = 0x2; //SERCOM 1 is selected for peripherial use of this pad
PORT->Group[PORTA].PINCFG[19].bit.PMUXEN = 0x1; //Enable Peripheral Multiplexing for SERCOM1 SPI PA18 Arduino PIN10
PORT->Group[PORTA].PMUX[9].bit.PMUXO = 0x2; //SERCOM 1 is selected for peripherial use of this pad
//Disable SPI 1
//Reset SPI 1
//Setting up NVIC
//Setting Generic Clock Controller!!!!
GCLK_CLKCTRL_GEN_GCLK0 | // Generic Clock Generator 0 is the source
GCLK_CLKCTRL_CLKEN; // Enable Generic Clock Generator
while(GCLK->STATUS.reg & GCLK_STATUS_SYNCBUSY); //Wait for synchronisation
//Set up SPI Control A Register
SERCOM1->SPI.CTRLA.bit.DORD = 0; //MSB first
SERCOM1->SPI.CTRLA.bit.CPOL = 0; //SCK is low when idle, leading edge is rising edge
SERCOM1->SPI.CTRLA.bit.CPHA = 0; //data sampled on leading sck edge and changed on a trailing sck edge
SERCOM1->SPI.CTRLA.bit.FORM = 0x0; //Frame format = SPI
SERCOM1->SPI.CTRLA.bit.DIPO = 0x0; //DATA PAD0 MOSI is used as input (slave mode)
SERCOM1->SPI.CTRLA.bit.DOPO = 0x2; //DATA PAD3 MISO is used as output
SERCOM1->SPI.CTRLA.bit.MODE = 0x2; //SPI in Slave mode
SERCOM1->SPI.CTRLA.bit.IBON = 0x1; //Buffer Overflow notification
SERCOM1->SPI.CTRLA.bit.RUNSTDBY = 1; //wake on receiver complete
//Set up SPI control B register
//SERCOM1->SPI.CTRLB.bit.RXEN = 0x1; //Enable Receiver
SERCOM1->SPI.CTRLB.bit.SSDE = 0x1; //Slave Selecte Detection Enabled
SERCOM1->SPI.CTRLB.bit.CHSIZE = 0; //character size 8 Bit
//SERCOM1->SPI.CTRLB.bit.PLOADEN = 0x1; //Enable Preload Data Register
//Set up SPI interrupts
SERCOM1->SPI.INTENSET.bit.SSL = 0x1; //Enable Slave Select low interrupt
SERCOM1->SPI.INTENSET.bit.RXC = 0x1; //Receive complete interrupt
SERCOM1->SPI.INTENSET.bit.TXC = 0x1; //Transmit complete interrupt
SERCOM1->SPI.INTENSET.bit.ERROR = 0x1; //Error interrupt
SERCOM1->SPI.INTENSET.bit.DRE = 0x1; //Data Register Empty interrupt
//init SPI CLK
//SERCOM1->SPI.BAUD.reg = SERCOM_FREQ_REF / (2*4000000u)-1;
//Enable SPI
SERCOM1->SPI.CTRLB.bit.RXEN = 0x1; //Enable Receiver, this is done here due to errate issue
while(SERCOM1->SPI.SYNCBUSY.bit.CTRLB); //wait until receiver is enabled