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ASYNC udp library

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 3:42 am
by sahiyeho
Hola, ! Estoy buscando un ejemplo de código de trabajo de esta biblioteca, los ejemplos en la biblioteca se limitan a datos fijos, y no se muestra cómo recibir un mensaje y analizar el paquete recibido, entre otras cosas, por supuesto, busqué mucho en Google, sin poder para encontrar un ejemplo gracias

Re: ASYNC udp library

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 5:21 pm
by AcmeUK
For anybody interested here is the Bing translation of the message:-
Hello! I'm looking for a working code example from this library, the examples in the library are limited to fixed data, and it doesn't show how to receive a message and analyze the received package, among other things, of course, I searched a lot on Google, without being able to find an example thank you

Good to see that the guy has tried to find the answer before posting his question.