ESP8266 as client to Win Socket server app on desktop
Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 4:30 pm
I'm trying to connect ESP8266 with a tcp socket server program running on my windows computer, i developed a C# application running and listing to TCP socket with IP Port 6579 i can connect client software to this server and send and receive message, i can also connect to this server through Putty as client.
My computer and ESP module are connected to same router, I was trying to use different libraries like WebSocketsClient.h WifiClient.h When i google mostly results are regarding web socket that i believe is for communicating with web browser on socket, though that seems different but tried it as well, but i never receive any connection to the server from my ESP device,
My computer and ESP module are connected to same router, I was trying to use different libraries like WebSocketsClient.h WifiClient.h When i google mostly results are regarding web socket that i believe is for communicating with web browser on socket, though that seems different but tried it as well, but i never receive any connection to the server from my ESP device,