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By Glenn Ng
#13089 Need help here man!

I'm pretty new with arduino here, and i wanted to try out ESP8266.

So i tried following various tutorials, most failed... I followed this sets of connection from this tutorial.

and the codes running on my arduino is from

I tried various baud and it still isn't working.. most baud gave me gibberish consistent rubbish.

Except the baud rate 57600

i tried running with an external power source on the esp8266 too. same sh*t..

I tried to type any commands, anything too, wont work.... :( AT Command none work... im really lost... someone help me?
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By AlexanderB
#13126 Actually, it'll initially print some 'garbage' to the command line because it uses a different baud while booting compared to after. So unless yours is flashed with some custom setting or a really old firmware, it should use 115200.

One other thing, I hooked it up through an Arduino too, and at first it didn't work because the Arduino was actively trying to keep the line pulled up. Try flashing your Arduino with the following line added in the void setup() bit of a basic sketch:

Code: Select allpinMode(1, INPUT);

(Disconnect the ESP before flashing the Arduino, obviously)

That should release the line and let the ESP talk back to your computer. :)
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By Glenn Ng
AlexanderB wrote:Actually, it'll initially print some 'garbage' to the command line because it uses a different baud while booting compared to after. So unless yours is flashed with some custom setting or a really old firmware, it should use 115200.

One other thing, I hooked it up through an Arduino too, and at first it didn't work because the Arduino was actively trying to keep the line pulled up. Try flashing your Arduino with the following line added in the void setup() bit of a basic sketch:

Code: Select allpinMode(1, INPUT);

(Disconnect the ESP before flashing the Arduino, obviously)

That should release the line and let the ESP talk back to your computer. :)

Trying to understand u better here, U meant uploading a basic sketch without any other codes but just pinMode(1, INPUT); under "setup"?

Well, i did that. But for this time i did a very basic set up.

ESP8266 Tx to Arduino Tx and also tried ESP8266 Tx to Arduino Rx
ESP8266 Rx to Arduino Rx and also tried ESP8266 Rx to Arduino Tx
ESP8266 VCC to Arduino 3.3v
ESP8266 GND to Arduino GND.

Opened up my serial monitor, checked all baud rates, nothing even appeared.. i tried entering AT, still nothing came out.