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By JohnSL
#29960 I've noticed something over time with a number of different ESP8266 modules and I'm wondering if anyone has any advice. Here is what I'm seeing. I have the ESP acting as a web server that is sending back HTML and an 80K file (using the client.write method). This is working and always sends the file. However sometimes it takes a lot longer than other times. The download time seems to vary from 300ms to 3 seconds (sometimes it's the tiny HTML that takes over a second). By the way, I've also seen this when the page is only a single small HTML page rather than a page plus a file.

When I look at the packets in Wireshark, I see a number of "red" packets for the slow downloads. These display a reset, like this:

Code: Select all.... 0000 0001 0100 = Flags: 0x014 (RST, ACK)

I'm currently using the Arduino 1.6.5-947-g39819f0 toolchain. I've seen this on an ESP-01 attached to a large power supply, an a NodeMCU Devkit 1.0, NoceMCU Devkit 0.9, and ESPToy with a battery. Is this just something we have to live with when using an ESP8266? Or is there some root cause?