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Webserver reset on many connections

PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:48 am
by woodwax

I developing home watering system with ESP8266

1pcs of ESP8266 is a webserver this is the "master" and controlls the other "slave" ESP boards.

3 pcs of ESP8266 are "slave" boards. For saving the battery, theese modules wakes up in every 5minutes from deep sleep, after the wake up:
-measuring the temperature and humidity
-communcating with the "master" modul
-if its it necesery opening watering valve

The maste has a local adress, there I can control other slave moduls or I can see the temperature, humidity for previous days, etc.... This webpage has 5-6Kb size, this takes 4-5seconds for ESP to generate it.

I have big problem because when I start the slave modules at the same time and I connect through to the "master" ESP modul its resetting. Maybe this is too many request at same time and it cannot handle. I trying to develop delay(100); yield(); but without success.

Once again, there isnt any problem when theese request happens in different time, but when there is many - many request at once this causing wtd reset. Can anybody helps?

I attach the code for the servers ESP modul (master) and the client (slave) ESP modules, but its is a bit long.