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httpd hanging after some time

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 5:24 pm
by rw86347
I have an almost unmodified httpd server running on my Olimex esp8266.

I have made two changes.

1) I changed the LED to GPIO 5 so that it can control the relay on the olimex board.

2) I am using the SPI bus to talk with a shift register.

I have found that after about 4 hours the web server quits running. However the interrupt routine that services my SPI bus is still running. My thought is that something has a memory leak or the SPI bus is causing some sort of interference. Any ideas?

Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Re: httpd hanging after some time

PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 7:51 pm
by Sprite_tm
What version of esphttpd (and from which source) and sdk do you use? Is the power supply for your board adequate? Also, it's known that if you connect to the HTTP server lots of times, memory can get pretty low because every connection will eat up some memory for about a minute after it's closed. Could that be happening in your case? Also, there has been a small leak in the tpl engine which leaks <100 bytes per request but that's fixed in the latest version in git.

If it helps, I've got various instances of esphttpd running all over the place and I've got uptimes of weeks at least.