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ESP8266 showing junk data while running Local Wifi Connect

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 6:39 am
by Syed Niamath

I have connected by ESP8266 through FTDI USB cable and when I try to run the sketch for connecting local WIFI network it displays:

ts Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,6)

wdt reset
load 0x4010f000, len 1264, room 16
tail 0
chksum 0x42
csum 0x42

I was using the code from
https://www.openhomeautomation.net/gett ... d-esp8266/

Can anyone guide me on this? Am I missing some thing.

However, when I run the wifi Scan Sketch from the sample program it works perfectly I can see all the wifi connections around my location.

