' *************************************************
' ESP8266 Cheerlights for V3 Basic V1.2
' Now tweets colours to Cheerlights
' *************************************************
' Set up Neopixel strip.
' Initialise colour values
redval = 0
grnval = 0
bluval = 0
loopcnt = 0
' API key from Thingspeak.
key$ = "Your Thingspeak Key Here"
' Set up array of messages. # is placeholder for colour.
dim optext(10) as string
optext(0)="Let's make it all go #"
optext(1)="I'm in the mood for #"
optext(2)="I feel some # coming on"
optext(3)="Bringing a little # into your life"
optext(4)="#, #, everything's going #"
optext(5)="Let's paint the whole world #"
optext(6)="The next colour will be . . . #"
optext(7)="# is my favourite colour"
optext(8)="Look out! There's some # on the way!"
optext(9)="Let's try a bit of #"
' Set up array of colours
dim colours(11) as string
rf = ramfree()
ff = flashfree()
' Retrieve current hex colour code from
' Thingspeak Cheerlights API in form #rrggbb.
'(Key value can be any string)
colcode = readts("xxx","1417","2")
curcol$ = readts("xxx","1417","1")
' Store old colour values
' These will be modified in fade loop.
redvalx = redval
grnvalx = grnval
bluvalx = bluval
'Extract R, G and B bytes from new colour code.
redval = hextoint(mid(colcode,2,2))
grnval = hextoint(mid(colcode,4,2))
bluval = hextoint(mid(colcode,6,2))
' Fade routine - output colours increment / decrement to new colour.
if redvalx > redval then redvalx = redvalx - 1
if redvalx < redval then redvalx = redvalx + 1
if grnvalx > grnval then grnvalx = grnvalx - 1
if grnvalx < grnval then grnvalx = grnvalx + 1
if bluvalx > bluval then bluvalx = bluvalx - 1
if bluvalx < bluval then bluvalx = bluvalx + 1
' Send intermediate colour to neopixels
' I'm using a 7 neopixel disc.
' Exit loop when intermediate R, G and B values match new colour.
loop until (redvalx = redval) and (grnvalx = grnval) and (bluvalx = bluval)
delay 10000
' Randomly choose a new colour number and load text equivalent from array
newcol = rnd(11)
col$ = colours(newcol)
' Counter to provide time delay between colour tweets
loopcnt = loopcnt + 1
' Program loops every 15 seconds so loopcnt of 80 is 20 minutes.
' Rnd(120) gives 30 minute variation on top on this.
if rnd(120) == 0 and loopcnt > 80 and instr(col$,curcol$) = 0 then
loopcnt = 0
newtxt = rnd(10)
twitstr$ = optext(newtxt)
' Replace # placeholder in string with new colour name
twitstr$ = replace(twitstr$,"#",col$)
' Assemble the string to be sent . . .
twitstr$ = "@Cheerlights cat says '" & twitstr$ & "'."
' And send it to the ThingSPeak API.
opstring = "api.thingspeak.com/apps/thingtweet/1/statuses/update?api_key=" & key$ & "&status=" & twitstr$
print wget(opstring)
end if
delay 5000
loop until 0
Moderator: Mmiscool