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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By xtal
#30388 This is a try to port a small amount of code over from nodemcu,, and of course it don't work, since I really don't know what to do....the save option is not working for me pops up the security login junk and does not save.

I tried RUN on the following code snip ... It's a simple HTML header with some java for a counter , I suspect the syntax is bad,but don't get any indication . I'm not sure if this basic can even handle the all the characters.. :cry:
I thought I would get a dhcp connection , How do I check if connection accomplished?
So how do I display the page :?:

Code: Select all ssid = "12345-NETGEAR"
password = "mikeis12345"

connect ssid password
wprint {<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n<html lang="en-US">\n<head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content= rfh ></head>\n}
wprint {<script type = "text/javascript">\nvar timeInSecs;\nvar ticker;}
wprint {function startTimer(secs){ timeInSecs = parseInt(secs)-1; ticker = setInterval("tick()",1000); } }
wprint {function tick() { var secs = timeInSecs; if (secs>0) {timeInSecs--;} else {clearInterval(ticker); startTimer(rfh);}}               
wprint {document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = secs;} startTimer(rfh); </script>}
wprint {<body><div><table bgcolor="Lawngreen" border="1" cellpadding="5"><th><h1>ESP8266 Blinker Thing!</h1></th>'}
wprint {<td><IMG SRC= &s_img LEFT="1" WIDTH="120" HEIGHT="60" BORDER="1"></td>
wprint {<th id="countdown"> rfh </th></table><div><br>}


This is the actual html page I'm trying to use :mrgreen:

Code: Select all<!DOCTYPE HTML>
<html lang="en-US">
<head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="15" ></head>
<script type = "text/javascript">
var timeInSecs;
var ticker;function startTimer(secs){
 timeInSecs = parseInt(secs)-1;
 ticker = setInterval("tick()",1000);
 function tick() {
 var secs = timeInSecs;
 if (secs>0) {timeInSecs--;} else {clearInterval(ticker);
 startTimer(15);}document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = secs;} startTimer(15);
 <table bgcolor="Lawngreen" border="1" cellpadding="5">
 <th><h1>ESP8266 Blinker Thing!</h1></th>
 <td><IMG SRC="" LEFT="1" WIDTH="120" HEIGHT="60" BORDER="1"></td>
 <th id="countdown">15</th>
 <textarea name="cmd1s" cols="70" rows="14"></textarea>
 <textarea name="cmd2s" cols="70" rows="6"></textarea>
 <table bgcolor="Yellow" border="1" cellpadding="5">
 <th>ADC Value</th>
 <td bgcolor="Red">902</td>
 <form action="" method="POST">
<input type="submit" name="m_do" value="BLINK" style="padding:5px;10px;">
<input type="submit" name="m_do" value="RD_ADC" style="padding:5px;10px;">
<input type="submit" name="m_do" value="TEMP_DN" style="padding:5px;10px;">
<input type="submit" name="m_do" value="TEMP_UP" style="padding:5px;10px;">
"CMD:"<input type="text" name="m_do" value="" maxlength="100" style="padding:5px;10px;">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
Last edited by xtal on Fri Oct 02, 2015 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By xtal
#30412 after a successful save the test code looks like this :mrgreen:
but still non functional :(
Code: Select allssid = "12345-NETGEAR"
password = "mikeis12345"

connect ssid password

wprint %7B<!DOCTYPE HTML>An<html lang="en-US">An<head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content= rfh ></head>An%7D
wprint %7B<script type = "text/javascript">Anvar timeInSecs;Anvar ticker;%7D
wprint %7Bfunction startTimer(secs)%7B timeInSecs = parseInt(secs)-1; ticker = setInterval("tick()",1000); %7D %7D
wprint %7Bfunction tick() %7B var secs = timeInSecs; if (secs>0) %7BtimeInSecs--;%7D else %7BclearInterval(ticker); startTimer(rfh);%7D%7D
wprint %7Bdocument.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = secs;%7D startTimer(rfh); </script>%7D
wprint %7B<body><div><table bgcolor="Lawngreen" border="1" cellpadding="5"><th><h1>ESP8266 Blinker Thing!</h1></th>'%7D
wprint %7B<td><IMG SRC= &s_img LEFT="1" WIDTH="120" HEIGHT="60" BORDER="1"></td>
wprint %7B<th id="countdown"> rfh </th></table><div><br>%7D

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By xtal
#30414 Question> When you do a save just where are you saving it. I thought it was going to flash, but after stopping and restarting webpage I cannot open what I thought was saved :roll:

The basic web page seems to be jumping between 2 addresses, maybe the code is trying to work :?
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By xtal
#30424 tried the following also ---didn't work
I was on ipa
had the code in the edit screen ... =ssid+%3D+
clicked run ipa now
serial out 1234567890 failed wifi connect -0- -0-
now - blank page - then page not visable
now and .13 no connect
now connects and displays data between lines

Now how did this become part of the AP ????????

ESP8266 Blinker Thing!


ssid = "12345NETGEAR81"
password = "mikeisgreat12345"
ipa = ""
connect ipa
wprint "<h1>ESP8266 Blinker Thing!</h1>An"
Last edited by xtal on Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.