Program with many comments show where bugs were found
Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 8:02 am
Below is a program with many comments showing where I experienced bugs.
I can't get the slider to monitor and control the angle of the line of text. When I move the slider, the text angle should change, and there should be a way to see angle's numerical value.
The program works as given below, with the lines that are commented out. But those lines should also work.
'memclear -- when this is here, q=50 below creates an error, Comparison between string and number. It is not clear when (if) memclear is needed.
led = D3
io(po,led,1) 'start with led D3 OFF
'q=50 'does not work, comparison between string and number
'v=str (q) 'here (with q assigned) this it said "halted at line <this line> syntax error
'v$=str (q) 'here (with q assigned) it said "could not look up value for variable. error.
'timer 1000 , [checkslider] - with this statement active, the program would eventually crash (in less than 30 minutes) - when this statement is commented out, the program was solid.
'html |<a href="">test</a>| 'this does not put a link here - using wprint does not do it either.
'This block below works:
wprint "Free flash="
wprint flashfree()
html "<br/>"
wprint "Free ram="
wprint ramfree()
html "<br/>"
wprint "Chip id="
wprint id()
html "<br/>"
wprint version()
html "<br/>"
wprint "IP="
wprint ip()
wprint "<p/><p>"
'html |<a href="">test</a>| 'this does not put a link here - wprint does not do it either
html "<p/><p>"
'these buttons below work here
button "Turn On",[ON]
button "Turn Off",[OFF]
html "<br/>"
graphics 300,300
html "<br/>"
wprint " " 'put some spaces in front of the slider
'slider "angle",0,100 'it found nothing wrong with this, but it is not standard to put a varname into a string
slider angle,0,100
html "<br/>"
'v=33.5 'declare and set v equal to 22 ' - this does not work here - "comparison between string and float"
'wprint v$ 'this printed as "v$" when the lines near the top which assigned to v and v$ were commented out - could add "variable does not exist"
'wprint v 'this printed as "v" when the lines near the top which assigned to v and v$ were commented out - could add "variable does not exist"
'z=33.5 'this does not work - Comparison between string and number
'b$= str(z) 'this does not work - Comparison between string and number
'b$ = str(33.5) 'this works because in the textbox below we find "33.5", but we really want a numeric variable
'b$="Value" 'this does work because in the textbox we find the word, "Value"
'textbox b$ 'this works when b$ = "Value"
'here we want to print the value of the slider
'b=50 'this does not work - Comparison between string and number
'wprint chr(50) 'this works because we see a "2" displayed
'q=50 'this couplet does not work - even if q is assigned at the top
'wprint chr(q)
'wprint q 'this prints a zero even when q is assigned to 50 above q=50
wprint "The slider value under the slider="
if io(laststat,led) = 1 then
text 20, 60, "The Green Led is OFF", 30, 12
text 20, 60, "The Green Led is ON", -30, 2
end if
'this is where the program can monitor the slider value - angle does not print
'timer 1000 , [checkslider]
' print angle - this of course results in printing line after line at the bottom text
text 50, 60, "Text Angle=",0,0
' text 140,60,str (angle),0,0 - the str(angle) results in an error, cannot put this text here
goto [TOP]
goto [TOP]
I can't get the slider to monitor and control the angle of the line of text. When I move the slider, the text angle should change, and there should be a way to see angle's numerical value.
The program works as given below, with the lines that are commented out. But those lines should also work.
'memclear -- when this is here, q=50 below creates an error, Comparison between string and number. It is not clear when (if) memclear is needed.
led = D3
io(po,led,1) 'start with led D3 OFF
'q=50 'does not work, comparison between string and number
'v=str (q) 'here (with q assigned) this it said "halted at line <this line> syntax error
'v$=str (q) 'here (with q assigned) it said "could not look up value for variable. error.
'timer 1000 , [checkslider] - with this statement active, the program would eventually crash (in less than 30 minutes) - when this statement is commented out, the program was solid.
'html |<a href="">test</a>| 'this does not put a link here - using wprint does not do it either.
'This block below works:
wprint "Free flash="
wprint flashfree()
html "<br/>"
wprint "Free ram="
wprint ramfree()
html "<br/>"
wprint "Chip id="
wprint id()
html "<br/>"
wprint version()
html "<br/>"
wprint "IP="
wprint ip()
wprint "<p/><p>"
'html |<a href="">test</a>| 'this does not put a link here - wprint does not do it either
html "<p/><p>"
'these buttons below work here
button "Turn On",[ON]
button "Turn Off",[OFF]
html "<br/>"
graphics 300,300
html "<br/>"
wprint " " 'put some spaces in front of the slider
'slider "angle",0,100 'it found nothing wrong with this, but it is not standard to put a varname into a string
slider angle,0,100
html "<br/>"
'v=33.5 'declare and set v equal to 22 ' - this does not work here - "comparison between string and float"
'wprint v$ 'this printed as "v$" when the lines near the top which assigned to v and v$ were commented out - could add "variable does not exist"
'wprint v 'this printed as "v" when the lines near the top which assigned to v and v$ were commented out - could add "variable does not exist"
'z=33.5 'this does not work - Comparison between string and number
'b$= str(z) 'this does not work - Comparison between string and number
'b$ = str(33.5) 'this works because in the textbox below we find "33.5", but we really want a numeric variable
'b$="Value" 'this does work because in the textbox we find the word, "Value"
'textbox b$ 'this works when b$ = "Value"
'here we want to print the value of the slider
'b=50 'this does not work - Comparison between string and number
'wprint chr(50) 'this works because we see a "2" displayed
'q=50 'this couplet does not work - even if q is assigned at the top
'wprint chr(q)
'wprint q 'this prints a zero even when q is assigned to 50 above q=50
wprint "The slider value under the slider="
if io(laststat,led) = 1 then
text 20, 60, "The Green Led is OFF", 30, 12
text 20, 60, "The Green Led is ON", -30, 2
end if
'this is where the program can monitor the slider value - angle does not print
'timer 1000 , [checkslider]
' print angle - this of course results in printing line after line at the bottom text
text 50, 60, "Text Angle=",0,0
' text 140,60,str (angle),0,0 - the str(angle) results in an error, cannot put this text here
goto [TOP]
goto [TOP]