Maybe it has already been adressed but I just stumbled upon it.
This bug occurs when programming the NodeMCU. I have not (yet) tested it on the WEMOS D1 (and mini D1)
Normally to put an I/O pin in the HIGH status I use:
This works for D0 to D7.
However for D8 till D10 this does not work.
So the code:
Does not work.
There is a workaround and that is to adress the pin names different:
io(po,15,1) ' use this for D8
io(po,3,1) ' use this for D9
io(po,1,1) ' use this for D10
This way you can adress all 10 I/O pins.
It would however be nice if we could use the names D0 to D10 for using all 11 I/O pins.