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Nice list of requests - includes updates to documentation

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 8:13 am
by raintime
When I click somewhere on the graphics screen, the (x,y) coordinates could be available in two reserved variables, for example grscrnx and grscrny. This would be powerful since then I could decide what to do depending on where I click on the graphics screen.

There should be a way to set the mode of an I/O pin. Now it defaults to open drain for an output. But I want to set it to push-pull! (LUA has a "mode command" to do this.)

When to use parentheses is not obvious (to me, at least). Some commands require parentheses, others do not. So far I have to go to the manual to see which ones do and which don't. It would be simpler if all places where parameters are specified would require parentheses.

All labels, variable names and commands should be case insensitive. This is much easier to program, or at least have an option to turn case sensitivity on or off.

Would be really great to have the ability to control the size of a button. Same would also apply to sliders, etc. These are too small on a smartphone.

Line numbers are needed in the editor window, since error messages refer to specific line numbers.

It is simpler not to have special case where one = is used for some things, while two == are used for other things. BASIC uses the single = for everything.

A single button in the editor should perform SAVE - CLOSE - RUN, since this is a very common task and would make development easier and faster.

When developing a larger program, it would be sooo great if when I click on EDIT I get back to the last spot I have been working on instead of going back to the top of my source file.

Would really like a function to give the ip address of my program a real DNS name. So, once I am connected, I simply point my browser to, for example, "mygreatapp.com".

A "real toggle image button" as discussed by tcontrada, "Basically a CSS modified HTML checkbox to toggle a digital output via websockets. This way there is no refresh as the checkbox changes state within the browser." This would provide fast toggling and be great.

Would be nice to be able to set the text encoding that should be used by the browser. My Raspberry Pi 3 browser interprets all spaces as diamonds with question marks inside until I go to the settings and change from UNICODE (UTF-8) encoding to ENGLISH (US-ASCII), which needs to be done each time I use the browser (so far).

Would be nice to have ption for graphics elements circle, rect, (ellipse) to be FILLED or OUTLINED.

Would be nice to have option for graphics lines - THICKNESS.


In the Doc: Rectangles typically have width and height, not radii: rect {x1} , {y1} , {width} , {height}

The Doc should mention that you can press Ctrl-F to find stuff in the code being edited.

We were told to keep variable names to a maximum of 10 characters. Is this true for Rev 3? Ten chars is extremely restrictive for variable names. How about, if needed, the first 10 chars of the name are significant and must be unique, but the rest are optional? Whatever the case needs to be documented. Would be best if any size variable names were allowed.

It is not clear what UPDATE does in SETTINGS or when it is needed.

What does Format button do in SETTINGS? An explanation of when it should be used would be helpful.

memclear when placed at the beginning of a program causes problems in assignment statements lower down (for example, v=50). It is not clear what memclear does or when it should be used.

The Restart button in SETTINGS (when lucky) resets the default program in the chip and runs it. Should be documented.