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BME280 Support ?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 10:25 pm
by aphawk
Today the price is low for the precise temperature, humidity and pressure sensor BME280. And small module boards can be found quickly anywhere, even here at Brazil.

To make weather experiments, atmospheric pressure is a must.

I see many libs to use it with Arduino code. Adafruit has one too.

I tried to make the code to use BME280 with ESP8266Basic, but the math and I2C commands are very complicated... and use a lot of resources. But all this is already done in Adafruit lib.....

Maybe it can be included here in ESP8266Basic similar way as DHT functions ? Including Adafruit lib ( or other ) and creating the new commands ?

Thanks for your reply !


Re: BME280 Support ?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 5:38 am
by Electroguard
I'll add my vote to that - the BME280 is certainly one of the more serious temp and humidity sensors, and it's atmospheric pressure sensing gives it great advantage over DHTs.

Re: BME280 Support ?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 7:43 am
by peterK
I'll add my vote too for BME280 Support.

Re: BME280 Support ?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 11:58 pm
by flyboy74
You guys are aware that it is already possible to use these sensors with ESP Basic if your able to write your own driver using the I2C libraries as the BME280 uses I2C for coms to the MCU