touchscreen with higher resolution
Mon Aug 21, 2017 4:56 am
by its1000
Would be great to have the support of a better screen than the ILI9341. something like 320x480 or 640x480.
would be fantastic.
I don't know if there is a standard other type of screen . maybe some for RPI.
thank you
Re: touchscreen with higher resolution
Thu Nov 30, 2017 12:10 am
by flyboy74
The ili9341 is a super common screen to use with MCUs(micro processor units) because of it's low res. The higher the res the more data it takes. Then u have to both store more data (MCU have very limited storage space) and bus more data from the storage to the screen. Busing large amounts of data takes a long time unless you have a very fast way to bus the data. The ili9341 screen just uses serial coms which means it only needs 1 data line to send the data but it means that it is slow (upside meaning you only need 1 data line, downside being because of only 1 data line it is slow). To use a screen any higher res than the ili9341 then you have to start to use parallel data transfer (multi data lines all sending data at once). You can think of it like cars on a road, the cars r the data and the lanes of the road r the data lines. To move larger amounts of cars you need more lanes but more lanes cost more money to build. The esp8226 doesn't really have the extra pins for parallel coms or the data storage space for the higher res images.