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6 MB flash

Sat Sep 10, 2016 7:25 pm
by ockhams
Hi All,
I have just ordered a few of the new Wemos 16 MB D1 boards. Will the esp basic software requite any modifications to take advantage of this extra flash?
Link ... 3e33fd5537.
Thanks in advance
Ockhams Barber.
Re: 6 MB flash

Sat Sep 10, 2016 9:58 pm
by forlotto
In theory the 4MB version should work as the 512k used to work on the 4MB version or at least back during the version 1.x days it did if not you can always use the electrodragon flasher to flash it.
Just go right ahead and give it a try should work just fine the only thing I am not aware of is if the extra memory is provisioned for as file storage you may only get to use the 4MB's of flash I am not sure how this all works out ... While I would think the remainder of the flash would be useable I don't know enough about spiffs to say for sure.
But basic should work just fine in your case I would like to see options for larger memory sizes if it is not the case and something with basic does not allow for provisioning I often thought of upgrading an esp01 with an 8MB spi flash just for the fun of it to future proof it and allow it to run basic of any flavor. I have not really had the need to do so as all my versions are 1mb or larger. But curious nature has brought me to this thought.
I dunno I think things are provisioned for but maybe you would need to use a third party flasher or wait for an update to be sure of this but it should work you might just be out 2MB of flash as the end result IDK ...
Re: 6 MB flash

Sat Sep 10, 2016 10:21 pm
by Mmiscool
If you flash the 4 meg version it will work but the extra space will not be avalable to the file system. I will have ro see if the latest arduino environment has an option for this size flash.
Re: 6 MB flash

Sat Sep 10, 2016 10:29 pm
by forlotto
rut ro shaggy I think I may have to upgrade OTA again to support 6MB flash ...
The ro was in reference to the grammar nazi thing you pointed out.
I will have to ro see in your comment above lol!
thanks for clearing that one up! wasn't sure on that one.
stay cool mmiscool